Ficohsa Bank: "Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality"

In April of this year, Ficohsa Bank held a series of conferences under the title "Towards an Inclusive Digital World: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality." The purpose of these talks was to create spaces for dialogue and reflection on the challenges and opportunities that girls and women face in this digital era in Honduras.

Ficohsa bank

During the presentations, the speakers addressed topics such as the gender gap in access to digital technologies, online violence, and discrimination in the digital economy. Participants discussed strategies to overcome these barriers and highlighted the importance of creating safe and inclusive online environments that promote gender equality. Digital inclusion was also discussed from an academic perspective, emphasizing its relevance as a central objective of global policies to ensure access to information and education.

The panelists concluded that technologies and digital resources are increasingly necessary for full participation in society and highlighted the importance of academic studies in this field to improve education, training, and overall economic development. They also agreed that the commitment and participation of different actors in society are fundamental to ensure that everyone has access to the necessary digital tools and resources for full participation in society and economy.

Furthermore, during this event, "Mujeres Adelante" (Women Forward) by Ficohsa Bank program was highlighted as an exemplary model of good practices in terms of inclusion and gender equity. This program promotes various initiatives designed to address the needs of women in the region. It focuses on recognition, education, access to information, networking opportunities, and the provision of financial solutions, among other aspects.

Ficohsa Bank recognizes the importance of gender equality through digital inclusion

In the digital era, gender equity has become a social and economic imperative. Digital inclusion plays a crucial role in this process, enabling women and girls to access equal opportunities in the field of technology and information. Additionally, "closing the digital gap is relevant to generate financial, educational, and economic well-being that breaks with inequalities and allows Honduran women to envision the future with greater hopes," adds Ficohsa Bank.

Through digital inclusion, the aim is to break barriers and gender stereotypes, promoting a fair and equitable society where all individuals can develop their potential without restrictions. Similarly, Ficohsa Bank explains that "promoting the training and participation of girls and women in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is essential to drive the progress of families, the community, and the national economy."

Moreover, this year, the United Nations guidelines have focused on the importance of providing inclusive access to women in the digital realm. The goal is to achieve a digital transformation that actively involves all people in the construction of an equitable society. This initiative seeks to empower women's participation in the digital world as a means to achieve comprehensive social development and promote equal opportunities. In this regard, Ficohsa reaffirms its commitment, as it has more than 57% of women among its employees throughout the region.