Funkwerk expects strong final quarter

Kölleda, 13 November 2006. Funkwerk AG, one of the leading specialists in professional communication systems in Europe, expects the current financial year to finish with a strong final quarter. "From October to the end of December, we estimate sales to be well above 80 mill. Euro and expect all three segments to write positive figures again", announced Chairman of the Board Dr. Hans Grundner on presentation of the nine-month report. "In our experience, the sales shifts in business with institutions and public contractors, which were once again evident in the third quarter, will be more than balanced in the fourth quarter." The "fitness program" currently implemented in all three business segments was said to produce positive effects on the earning power of Funkwerk as early as by the end of this year. Dr. Grundner: "The ongoing restructuring of the TCC segment makes it difficult to provide an accurate forecast of the business trend. However, despite these uncertainties, we assume that the figures for both sales and EBIT will settle within the range of the previous projections. The exact figures depend on completion of planned projects on schedule." Sales in Traffic & Control Communication estimated at around 100 mill. Euro for 2006 Funkwerk had reacted to the intensifying price competition, the weaknesses in internal project management, and the reluctance of transport companies to invest with radical restructuring measures for the TCC segment (communication, management and information systems for transport, logistics and industrial companies). This set of measures included the setup of competence centres for the individual product groups, a streamlining of the organisation, the closure of smaller business units, and the concentration of functions at the head office in Kölleda. Dr. Grundner: "We have realigned our business policy in the area of TCC and now concentrate on projects with a higher value added share of their own. This requires setting aside sales shares in favour of future profitability. These measures may be detrimental to the quarterly sales and earnings figures but will have a lasting, positive effect on our productivity from 2007." Due to the realignment of the business policy and once again delays in the acceptance of projects in TCC, along with the continued weakness of the after-sales market in Automotive Communication, which had set in at the beginning of the year, the third quarter saw consolidated sales in the amount of 53 mill. Euro (2005: 60 mill. Euro) remain below projections. In the first nine months of the financial year, Funkwerk attained sales of 164.3 mill. Euro (2005: 174.1 mill. Euro), this decrease on the previous year being due predominantly to the TCC segment. Here, the reluctance of the European transport companies to invest and the intensification of the price competition continued in the third quarter. Over the past nine months, sales in TCC totalled 60 mill. Euro, marking a decrease on the prior-year figure of 67 mill. Euro. The ongoing projects, along with numerous orders in the information systems product group and the backlog effects from shifts experienced in the previous quarters, are expected to result in significantly improved sales potential by the end of the year. "Provided that all our projects are on schedule, we will be able to generate sales in TCC of around 100 mill. Euro in 2006", said Dr. Hans Grundner. Strong end-of-year business in Enterprise Communication The Automotive Communication segment (AC, communication equipment for vehicles) is also expected to reach its sales target of around 52 mill. Euro by the end of the year. For the past nine months, sales in this segment saw a slight increase to 40 mill. Euro (2005: 39 mill. Euro), a figure that could have been higher but for the weak business in the after-sales market (7 mill. Euro as at the end of September compared with 10 mill. Euro in the previous year). This increase in sales is due predominantly to the new product group of integrated telematics applications. Since the first-time consolidation of the subsidiary, Euro Telematik, as at 1 March 2006, Funkwerk realised a revenue of 3 mill. Euro here. The Enterprise Communication segment (personal security, messaging systems and access solutions for companies and institutions) developed as expected in the third quarter, reporting revenues of around 23 mill. Euro. Sales over the nine-month period thus totalled 65 mill. Euro, compared with 68 mill. Euro in the previous year. It must be taken into account here, however, that strategic considerations resulted in the discontinuation of commercial transactions. This concentration on the company's own products and the improvement of its own market position led to a forced decrease in sales of around 7 mill. Euro. However, Funkwerk expects to see strong end-of-year business in this relatively consumer-oriented segment, with revenues totalling around 30 mill. Euro in the last quarter. Consolidated earnings only marginally positive in third quarter On the whole, the earnings trend at group level was rated unsatisfactory in the third quarter. The burdens resulting from the restructuring measures in TCC were estimated by the Chairman to total around 1.5 mill. Euro, while another 2.0 mill. Euro was said to be due to deficient sales in the quarter. For the whole nine months, the operating result (EBIT) thus aggregated 1.6 mill. Euro, down from 10.1 mill. Euro in the previous year. The consolidated earnings as at 30 September 2006 amounted to 0.9 mill. Euro, compared with 6.4 mill. Euro in the previous year. For the whole nine months, TCC reported an operating loss of 3.1 mill. Euro (2005: + 2.8 mill. Euro). Dr. Grundner: " The measures initiated and the increase in sales in this area will not affect the earnings trend until the fourth quarter." The Funkwerk Executive Board is confident that this segment will write positive figures again by the end of the year. The most substantial earnings contribution in the period under review was once again made by the AC segment, reporting a total of 3.1 mill. Euro (2005: 4.4 mill. Euro). At 1.0 mill. Euro, the operating result of the Enterprise Communication segment in the third quarter proved to be on an upward trend compared to the first six months of the year. For the whole nine months, however, the operating result amounted to 1.6 mill. Euro and thus remained below the prior-year figure of 2.9 mill. Euro. However, it must be taken into account here that new legal requirements for the production of lead-free electronics components came into effect this year which led to considerable extra expense for the change-over to lead-free products. The upward trend is expected to continue in the final quarter. Increasing backlog of orders for 2007 According to the Funkwerk Executive Board, a positive pointer for future business is the orders position. Thus at 177 mill. Euro, the inflow of orders as at the end of September was slightly above the prior-year level (174 mill. Euro). The book-to-bill ratio as an indicator of future growth continues to range around 1.1. The volume of orders of 90 mill. Euro as at the end of September rose considerably compared to both the previous year (82 mill. Euro) and the end of 2005 (74 mill. Euro). The full nine-month report of Funkwerk AG is available on the Internet at For further information contact Funkwerk AG Im Funkwerk 5 99625 Kölleda/Thuringia Germany Katrin Schwarz Investor Relations Telephone: +49 36 35/6 00 -3 35 Fax: +49 36 35/6 00 -3 99 rw konzept GmbH Emil-Riedel-Straße 18 80538 Munich Germany Sebastian Brunner Tel: +49 89/13 95 96 -33 Fax: +49 89/13 95 96 -34 Mobile: +49 1 75/5 60 46 73 --- End of Message --- WKN: 575314; ISIN: DE0005753149; Index: HDAX, MIDCAP, CDAX, Prime All Share, TECH All Share; Listed: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Prime Standard in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Freiverkehr in Börse Berlin Bremen, Freiverkehr in Bayerische Börse München, Freiverkehr in Börse Düsseldorf, Freiverkehr in Börse Stuttgart, Freiverkehr in Hanseatische Wertpapierbörse zu Hamburg, Freiverkehr in Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover;