Directorate change

AIM RELEASE 21st November 2007 Appointment of New Managing Director * New Managing Director appointed; commencement date end January 2008 * Current Managing Director to remain on DML Board as a non executive Director The Board of Discovery Metals Limited (ASX:DML, AIM:DME, BSE:DML) today announces the appointment of Mr Stuart Bradley (Brad) Sampson (41 years) as Managing Director effective at the end of January 2008. Mr Sampson's appointment follows the decision of the Company's current Managing Director, Mr Jeremy Read, to step down after four years in the position. Mr Read will remain on the Discovery Metals Board as a non-executive Director. Mr Sampson, who will be based at the Company's Brisbane head office, is an internationally experienced mining engineer who has worked extensively in open cut and underground mine operations and developments in Southern Africa, Australia and the Pacific. In his most recent role, Mr Sampson was General Manager for Emperor Mines in Papua New Guinea, where he was responsible for the Tolukuma gold mine and for overseeing Emperor's stake in the Porgera Joint Venture. He was previously General Manager at Gold Fields Limited's St Ives Mine in Western Australia and its Kloof operation in South Africa and has also held positions with Anglo American, Ross Mining NL and Thiess Ltd. Discovery Metals' Chairman, Mr Gordon Galt, said: "Discovery has entered a new and exciting phase since the commencement of the pre-feasibility study on the Maun Copper Project in northwest Botswana earlier this year. We plan to progress to the bankable feasibility study stage by the middle of 2008 with a view to commencing mining at the Maun Copper Project as soon as possible thereafter. We are in the process of building the team that will ensure we make the transition from explorer to developer successfully and the Board is confident that Brad has the skills needed to lead the Company through this transition and to ultimately develop Maun into a long life mining project with associated benefits for all stakeholders." Mr Galt added "On behalf of the Discovery Metals team and our shareholders, the Board places on record its gratitude to Mr Read for his achievements as the Company's founding Managing Director. He has successfully led Discovery Metals through IPO's in Australia, Botswana and on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and helped create an attractive portfolio of mineral assets in Africa and Australia. We are pleased that Mr Read will remain as a non-executive Director, retaining for Discovery the benefit of his extensive knowledge, experience and relationships within the industry." Commenting on his decision, Mr Read said: "Discovery Metals has made excellent exploration progress over the past four years, and I believe that the Company will now benefit from being led by a Managing Director with significant project development and operational experience as we move into this new development phase. I am pleased to retain my association with Discovery Metals and will ensure the handover to the new MD goes smoothly and following that will focus my efforts on pursuing earlier stage exploration opportunities for the Company." Summary biographical data for Brad Sampson, 41 years Formal Qualifications/ Affiliations B. Engineering (Honours), University of Queensland, 1987 MBA, Deakin University, 2000 First Class Mine Manager's certificates for Queensland (1998) and South Africa (1992) MAusIMM, MAICD Work History 2006-07 Emperor Gold Mines - General Manager PNG 2004-06 Thiess Ltd - Executive Manager Resources Development 2000-04 Gold Fields Ltd - General Manager, Kloof and St Ives 1996-00 Ross Mining NL - Superintendent, Yandan and Timbarra 1989-96 Anglo American Corporation, Australia and South Africa There are no other disclosures required. Further information on the Company is available on its website: NOTE: For further information contact Jeremy Read Managing Director Tel: +617 3218 0202 Mobile: 0409 484322 Email: Jamie Wright RFC Corporate Finance Ltd (Nomad) Tel: +618 9480 2508 Email: Richard Hail Fox-Davies Capital Ltd (AIM Broker) Telephone: +44(0) 20 7936 5200 Email: ---END OF MESSAGE---