aap bio implants group and partners are granted EUR 1 million in funding to develop and manufacture ultra-clean biopolymers

The aap bio implants group, comprising the aap Implantate AG Group companies that are involved in medical biomaterials, has been able with cooperation partners to secure EUR 1 million in development funding from the European Union's Euro-Transbio program. The aap bio implants group plans to use this funding to set up GMP production (Good Manufacturing Practice) of ultra-clean, detoxicated biopolymers at its Dutch location in Nijmegen. These biopolymers are used, inter alia, in the fast-growing field of adhesion barriers in spine operations and internal surgery to prevent organic tissue from adhering. This is a product area in which aap bio implants is already active. The new, patented production process - considered highly innovative and commercially promising by grant application evaluators - will enable aap bio implants to meet its own fast-growing requirements in the years ahead at a significantly lower cost than by using existing processes and also to supply third parties on a large scale. - aap is a medical technology company that develops, manufactures and markets biomaterials and implants for trauma and orthopaedics. Its product portfolio includes bone cements, bone graft substitutes, antibiotical carriers, implants for fracture healing and joint replacement. In addition to its Berlin headquarters the company has locations in Dieburg and Obernburg near Frankfurt am Main, Dusseldorf as well as at Nijmegen in the Netherlands. aap Implantate AG has been listed in the Prime Standard segment at the Frankfurt stock exchange since May 16, 2003. Please address any queries to: aap Implantate AG, Nanette Hüdepohl, Investor & Public Relations, Lorenzweg 5, 12099 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 7501 9133; fax: +49 30 7501 9290; n.huedepohl@aap.de --- End of Message --- aap Implantate AG Lorenzweg 5 Berlin Germany WKN: 506660; ISIN: DE0005066609; Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, TECH All Share; Listed: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Prime Standard in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Freiverkehr in Börse Berlin, Freiverkehr in Börse Düsseldorf, Freiverkehr in Hanseatische Wertpapierbörse zu Hamburg, Freiverkehr in Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover, Freiverkehr in Bayerische Börse München, Freiverkehr in Börse Stuttgart;