Talentum will be strengthening its book publishing operations by concentrating the publishing of professional literature and law books in the same department. This will enable a more diverse use of expertise and creativity, and by pooling resources Talentum will be better able to develop publications for other channels in addition to the traditional printed book. Minna Näsänen (41) has been appointed the director responsible for the book publishing business. Previously she has been the chief editor of the Suomen Laki (Finnish Law) compendium and held responsibility for the Suomen Laki division's business operations. Näsänen has 15 years' experience of different jobs within the publishing sector. She has also been made a member of Talentum's Management Team in Finland, reporting to CEO Juha Blomster. "We see a great deal of potential for book publishing at Talentum, and we will also be aiming to find many other channels for book content where we can be of service to our readers," says Juha Blomster. "The Suomen Laki family goes back a long way at Talentum, and the wide range of professional literature is appreciated by its readers. Producing books for new channels and the potential from international operations are stimulating areas for development, but the printed book still has a role to play," says Minna Näsänen. "I am convinced that concentrating the publishing of professional literature and law books in one division will serve both our readers and writers," she continues. The flagship for Talentum's publishing is Suomen Laki with its familiar green cover and the online version of the volumes at www.suomenlaki.com. Successes in the professional literature include Johtamisen tulevaisuus (The Future of Management), Osakeyhtiölaki books concerning the Limited Liability Companies Act and Perintö- ja lahjaverotus (Inheritance and Gift Taxation). Further information: Juha Blomster, CEO, telephone +358 20 442 4444 Minna Näsänen, Director, Book Publishing, telephone + 358 40 342 4754