Paris, France, 27 May, 2008: Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners today announced it has raised ¤150 million through its BioDiscovery 3 venture capital fund for European life science companies. The closing of BioDiscovery 3 brings the total funds under management for life science investments close to ¤300 million. Along with this first and final closing, Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners has opened a greenshoe of up to 10% for additional investors. "This is a great achievement for Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners and its life science team. BioDiscovery 3 is our largest European FCPR focused fund, with ¤150 million for investment in life science companies," said Pierre-Michel Passy, CEO of Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners. " The strong support of our existing investors and several new relationships have allowed us to close the fund in just three months. This is clear recognition for our investment strategy, validation of the life science team's approach and growing recognition as expert venture investors." Through BioDiscovery 3, Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners will lead investments in 15 to 20 life science companies across all stages of development. The investments will be made both in therapeutic drug development companies and a combination of medical technology and molecular diagnostic companies. The fund will invest up to ¤15 million per company, mainly in Europe. Investors in the new fund include most of Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners' life science existing investor base, including La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild, La Caisse des Dépôts and Amgen. Other investors include health insurance companies, public pension funds, social institutions and institutional investors. In the past eight years, Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners has invested in about 30 life science companies, through BioDiscovery 1 and 2 funds, progressively becoming a lead investor with strong exits including five trade sales like Spine Next and U3 Pharma, and a total of seven IPOs, among which OncoMethylome Sciences, Cellectis, and ExonHit. Recent BioDiscovery investments include: Biospace Med (France); Cytomics Pharma (France); Implanet (France); Jena Valve Technologies (Germany); Novagali Pharma (France); Novexel (France); Noxxon Pharma (Germany); OncoMethylome Sciences (EuroNext Brussels: ONCOB); Pangenetics (Netherlands) and U3 Pharma (Germany). About Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners Paris-based Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners is dedicated to minority investments into privately-owned companies. It has currently ¤650 million under management which is being invested primarily as life sciences venture capital and growth capital. Pierre-Michel Passy, Olivier Litzka, Gilles Nobécourt, Raphael Wisniewski, Geoffroy de Ribains, and Pr. Thierry Hercend, Venture Partner, constitute Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners' life science team. They bring together over 30 years of experience in the life science industry and more than 50 years of private equity and venture capital experience. Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners is an independently managed affiliate of La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild Banque. For more information please visit: www.edrip.fr. Contact: Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners Gilles Nobécourt Tel : 00 33 1 40 17 25 41 Olivier Litzka Tel : 00 33 1 40 17 27 46 Raphael Wisniewski Tel : 00 33 1 40 17 31 44