Media release MCH Group 100108

MCH Group AG / Media release MCH Group 100108 processed and transmitted by Hugin AS. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. MCH Group acquires 100% of Exhibit & More Ltd. MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd. ? an MCH Group company ? is acquiring 100% of Exhibit & More Ltd. in Fällanden. After the MCH Group took out a 40% holding in Exhibit & More Ltd. in July 2007, the latter is now being fully integrated in the MCH Group retroactively as of 1 January 2010. Exhibit & More Ltd. will continue to operate as an independent company within the group, holding the familiar national leading exhibitions of IFAS (Trade Fair for the Healthcare Market), PRODEX (machine tools, tools, and production measurement), SICHERHEIT (fire, safety, security) and the Orbit-iEX follow-on event, Community36 (ICT professional exhibition for business solutions) in Basel, Zurich and Lausanne (IFAS Romandie, SECURITE Romandie). Being wholly owned by the MCH Group will mean that the existing synergy potentials can be exploited to an even greater extent ? to the benefit of customers. Urs A. Ingold will continue as manager of Exhibit & More Ltd. and will also be a member of the joint management of the MCH Exhibitions and MCH Infrastructure business fields of the MCH Group. Media Contact MCH Group AG Corporate Communications Christian Jecker +41 58 206 22 52 [HUG#1371354] --- End of Message --- MCH Group AG null Basel null WKN: 553176;ISIN: CH0010358494; Media release MCH Group 100108: