USG People operating companies awarded major contract from Dutch government

For the next few years, the client base of Start People, Content and CapitalP will proudly include a number of Dutch ministries, the Netherlands Court of Audit, the Council of State, ICTU, the National Ombudsman and the Dutch House of Representatives. Almere, 14 April 2010 - USG People N.V. has been awarded one of the largest contracts in the history of the Dutch temporary staffing sector. For the next two years at least, Start People, Content and CapitalP - all operating companies of USG People - will see to the placement of temporary staff at various Dutch ministries and other government bodies, such as the Netherlands Court of Audit, the National Ombudsman, the Council of State, the ICTU and the Dutch House of Representatives. The group will also provide payroll services. Start People and Content already had contracts with a number of Dutch ministries. Start People and Content are one of three contract partners selected by the Dutch government to provide temporary staff as part of the policy of interdepartmental outsourcing known as the Government Insourcing of Flexible Workers 2010 (IFAR). The IFAR contract is valued at approximately ? 90 million a year with regard to temporary staffing. The framework agreement will take effect on 1 May 2010. It is worth noting that Content and Unique will merge later this year and continue operations under the name Unique. Participating government organisations in the Netherlands have selected CapitalP as their exclusive partner to handle payrolling. This USG People operating company is specialised in contract management, personnel administration and payroll accounting. Accordingly, CapitalP will provide payroll services to the participating organisations for the coming years. "This contract makes an important contribution to our growth strategy in the Netherlands for the years ahead," says Herman van Campenhout, CEO of USG People. "We view the award of the IFAR contract as a stamp of quality for the services we provide. Moreover, this contract is an excellent example of how our operating companies can collaborate because each operating company brings its own expertise to the mix, making for a stronger collaboration." To serve the ministries and other organisations effectively and efficiently, USG People is opening a central coordination office in The Hague, which will handle all activities relating to the IFAR contract. In the years ahead, USG People will recruit temporary employees under its 'Werk je Rijk' slogan. The following organisations will be participating in the contract: ·         Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations; including the Personal Records and Travel Documents Database Agency (BPR), the national disaster response facility (LFR), HRM shared service centre P-Direkt, the central records selection service (CAS) and the operational management shared service centre De Werkmaatschappij; ·         Ministry of General Affairs; ·         Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries; ·         Ministry of Economic Affairs; including the Netherlands Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands (Agentschap Telecom), the Consumer Authority (Consumentenautoriteit), Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB), the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa), Public Procurement Expertise Centre PIANOo, Agentschap NL and the State Supervision of Mines Agency (SodM); ·         Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Education Inspectorate, the National Archive, the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, the National Heritage Board, Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy, the Council for Culture, the Education Council and the State Inspectorate for Cultural Heritage; ·         Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment; and the Social Affairs and Employment Agency, Work and Income Inspectorate (IWI); ·         Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management; and the Department of Public Works, the Inspectorate for Transport,Public Works and Water Management  and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute; ·         Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment; including the Government Buildings Agency, VROM Inspectorate, Secretariat for Rent Committees, PLB, Councils and Commissions and the Netherlands Emission Authority; ·         Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport; including CIBG, the CBG agency, RIVM, NVI, the Healthcare Inspectorate, SCP, RVZ, Youth Care Inspectorate, RMO, Health Council of the Netherlands, CCMO, Den Engh and De Lindenhorst; ·         Ministry of Finance; and its services, including the Tax and Customs Administration and the State Property Agency; ·         ICTU; ·         Netherlands Court of Audit, the National Ombudsman, the Council of State, the Dutch House of Representatives. For more information, please contact: Herman van Campenhout, CEO Telephone: +31 (0)36 529 95 05 Disclaimer The forward-looking statements in this press release are current at the time of the release and provide no guarantees for the future. This press release is available in Dutch and English. In the event of ambiguities, the Dutch text shall prevail. About USG People USG People is active through a large number of strong brands that jointly provide one-stop solutions in the field of staffing, secondment and HR and customer care services. With annual revenue exceeding ? 3 billion in 2009, USG People ranks fourth in Europe in HR services. Headquartered in the Dutch city of Almere, the group is active in a number of European countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, France, Italy and Spain. The brand portfolio of USG People comprises Start People (general staffing) - Ad Rem Young Professionals, ASA Student, Content, Creyf's, Express Medical, Geko Zeitarbeit, Receptel, Secretary Plus, StarJob, Technicum and Unique (specialist staffing) - Legal Forces, USG Capacity, USG Energy, USG Financial Forces, USG HR Forces, USG Innotiv, USG Juristen and USG Restart (professionals) - Call-IT (other services). USG People is listed on the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange and is included in the Amsterdam Midcap Index (AMX). For more information on USG People or any of its operating companies, please visit our website at [HUG#1403446] download press release in pdf format: